In a practice called Creative News, the objective is To unearth what we value and creatE content based on what the world needs.
Creative News helps your story generate more successful connections by contributing to the conversation through meaningful engagement with crafted creative assets optimized for sharing.
“61% of those who have a smart TV or a DVR said they did it to skip ads”
The challenge is the opportunity
Creative News doesn’t depend on traditional paid media to get out your brand message. The distribution channel is real people, sharing and activating their social communities. Earned media happens when we do something to earn it.
My name is Kenneth E. Parris III

I specialize in building brands through all mediums with the craftsmanship and cultural understanding of an artist.
I am a storyteller, creating experiences and dialogue about brands by blending my skills assembling and leading teams as a Creative Director and developing content as an Art Director, Visual Artist, Designer, Journalist, PR Specialist, Marketer, Strategist, and Brand Builder.
This website serves to outline my approach, how I merge advertising with fine art, and projects that bring this idea of Creative News to life. Let’s discuss how we can partner to make Creative News work for your business.